Disclaimer: Quadvan only installs accessories in the shop and only on Quadvans. At this time, no shipping of products is available. More information can be found on the FAQ Page.
Hub Switch
Without the hub switch, the user would have to come to a complete stop before shifting into 4×4. With the hub switch, however, the user has to come to a stop to engage the hubs, which allows them to, later, shift into 4×4 without coming to a stop.

Hub Switch – $450
Skid Plates
Intercooler, differential, gas tank, and transfer case skid plates are all exclusively available at Quadvan to protect the underbelly from any damage.

Intercooler Skid Plate – $390
Differential Skid Plate – $390
Gas Tank Skid Plate – $560
Transfer Case Skid Plate – $390
Front Hitch Receiver and Hooks
Quadvan’s custom front hitch receiver with Ford Hooks to mount anything on the front of the Transit or pull itself out of a ditch. (This only fits pre-2020 Transits.)

Front Hitch Receiver – $500
Ford Hooks – $50 (each)
High Clearance Rear Shock Mounts
Quadvan designed relocation brackets for the rear shocks that double as both shock raisers and skid plates to get that extra clearance and protection for the rear shocks.

Rear Shock Mount Relocation Brackets – $450